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Lessons Learned Contributing to Dogecoin.

Dogecoin was created as a joke, a meme poking fun at the all-too-serious nature of cryptocurrency. Why shouldn’t development be fun?

Along the way, maybe we can help make a globally available, decentralized microtransaction system that lets people do and build interesting things.

Here’s what I’ve learned contributing code to Dogecoin core and other projects.

Apr 10, 2022

How Branches Work and How to Think About Them

Git uses Merkle trees just like blockchains do. Let's demystify what that exactly means for Dogecoin developers though: explaining branches to new developers.

Apr 6, 2022

About Translations

A brief introduction to translations in the Dogecoin core.

Apr 2, 2022

Micropayments With Tipping

Imagine a good micropayments system. What would we need? What if we already have one, just waiting for a little bit of glue?